It has something of "Day of the Triffids" (1963) to it this, as Peter Cushing ("Dr. Stanley") is drafted onto a remote island to investigate some mysterious deaths. Bodies have been de-ossified and this presents quite a puzzle to himself and to his fellow scientists "David" (Edward Judd) and "Landers" (Eddie Byrne) until they stumble upon some rather dangerous woodlice-looking creatures with long spiny necks wandering in the woods. Might they be the cause, and if so what to do now? It's a pretty run of the mill sci-fi horror film this. It tries to beef up the plot by using a decent cast of familiar British actors to compensate for the very limited standard of the visual effects and the predictability of the denouement. It is annoyingly over-scored, which is a shame, and the dialogue is all pretty banal but Cushing delivers all that is required of him and I still quite enjoyed it.