movie backdrop

almost 2 years ago


a review by GenerationofSwine

I'll be honest, I'm not Gay and I did not watch this movie. But, it's not because I'm straight that I didn't watch it, it's not because Rom-Coms aren't something that appeals to be to start with and Gay Rom-Coms appeal even less to me than straight Rom-Coms.

No, I didn't watch this because I didn't want another lecture and i didn't want to support another lecture.

And to the utter surprise of absolutely no one, we got the inevitable lecture, we were told once again how absolutely evil all straight white males are because they are straight white and male, rather than being another race, female, or Gay.

Pro-Tip Hollywood, if you want to make movies that people pay to see, don't make movies that people are going to take one look at and think: "This is going to scream at me about how evil I am nonstop," and then scream at them nonstop for not watching it.

Right now, anything "Gay" should be a no fly zone, not because straight people and white people are evil... but because it comes with the guarantee that it's going to insult the audiance and then the creators are going to insult the audiance.