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about 2 years ago

A Quiet Place Part II

a review by r96sk

More standard fare. 'A Quiet Place Part II' is, for all intents and purposes, 'Stranger Things' meets 'The Walking Dead' (I am here for the Eleven and Rick crossover, tbf).

I may hold issues with the first film, though at least you can definitely class it as original given the use of sound. That 2018 film is very much enviroment-based, whereas this 2020 flick is far more human-based - and not in the best way. I still didn't dislike it, but I can't honestly say I found entertainment in it either - despite it having Emily Blunt and Cillian Murphy, two actors I tend to enjoy a lot. They are good here though, don't get me wrong.

I found this one to be more forgettable and ploddy, like does anything tangible actually happen? I'm struggling to remember anything, and I've only just finished watching. It's a pretty straightforward affair, this. I will note, however, that Millicent Simmonds does a neat job with her role throughout - an improvement from 'A Quiet Place', certainly (not that she is anything bad in that, mind).

Here's hoping Part III holds the first film's ilk. Admittedly, at least this one doesn't feature any moments as overtly stupid as its predecessor does (well, actually... OK, I'll let you off this time, Marcus).