When a group of meteors crash into Southern England in a perfect formation, scientist "Temple" (Robert Hutton) is determined to investigate. Thing is, his doctors won't allow him, so it falls to "Mason" (Jennifer Jayne) to lead the team - and after a few moments at the site, we realise that something distinctly fishy is afoot. Requisitions start to come in for expensive equipment, people start to behave oddly and pretty soon "Temple" concludes that he simply must get down there and see what's happening. There is little jeopardy here - we know from the start what is actually going on and so we are really only following the footsteps of the inquisitive scientist as he follows the scent - all the way to the moon and a shaggy haired Michael Gough in a shiny cape. It has clearly been done with very little budget, and although some effort is made to film outdoors, most of this is stage-bound and reminded me of one of the Peter Cushing "Dr. Who" films from earlier in the 1960s. Aside from some torches tarted up to look like ray guns, and a cleverly converted colander used to deflect mind-bending rays, there are no special effects to speak of and after about an hour of this, I was really quite bored. There were plenty of cheap and cheerful sci-films coming out of Hollywood at the time and this is certainly no worse, but as an action or adventure film it falls woefully short.