Not even a brief cameo from "Princess Leia" herself - passing lively comment on George Lucas's casting techniques, can save this entirely derivative trequel. Amidst the filming of "Stab 3", people start to drop like flies almost exactly as they might following script of this soon to be completed masterpiece. The new slasher starts as he/she/it means to go on, by dispatching poor old "Cotton" (Liev Schreiber) and his girlfriend before turning attention to the old guard of "Sidney" (Neve Prescott), Courteney Cox ("Gale") - and their movie-star doppelgängers whilst the indomitable "Dewey" (David Arquette) laudably, but ineffectively, keeps a look out as the corpses pile up. This is a really poor rehash of the original with almost exactly the same plot with the same red herrings, screeching hysteria and audio-induced jump-points. Although the structure of the story is marginally different, the ending is just as ridiculously left field and reminded me of something Agatha Christie might have drafted before she tossed it on the fire. This gift has stopped giving for Wes Craven, time to stop!