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about 2 years ago

The Book of Eli

a review by The Movie Mob

The Book of Eli is a gritty post-apocalyptic tale with savage action and a twist ending that will make you want to watch it all over again.

The Book of Eli plays like a modern-day Mad Max or other 80s post-apocalyptic tale but stripped of its campiness and reinforced with Denzel’s reliable, powerful, and yet vulnerable performance. Washington’s mysterious Eli is driven and focused solely on his mission, but as the plot progresses, he grows to care for a person in need. The action sequences are brutal and precise, emphasizing Eli’s incredible skill and immediately defining him as a force to be reckoned with. Mika Kunis and Gary Oldman bring strong performances to the supporting cast, further grounding a movie that could have easily ended up as another goofy end-of-the-world film. The ending surprises making the audience want to immediately rewatch the movie with this new revelation and see it with new eyes. The Book of Eli is one of my favorite Denzel movies in a catalog of incredible films.