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about 2 years ago


a review by The Movie Mob

Daredevil is cheesy but trying to be serious while dripping in 2000s grunge. It isn’t a masterpiece, but it was a solid superhero film for its time.

Daredevil (2003) falls prey to a lot of judgment from people who have spent over a decade with Marvel films and The Dark Knight trilogy, but rewind to a time when Blade, X-Men, and Tobey Macguire’s Spider-man were all you had for superhero films, and you might start to see Daredevil for what it was. It was a genuine product of its time - Seether and Evanescence heavily featured on the soundtrack, leather superhero suits, and ridiculous dialogue. Everything was so cheesy in superhero movies at the time - don’t forget that Catwoman came out just a year later. Daredevil tried to be more edgy and gritty than Spider-man at a time when most people still considered superhero movies as kids’ films. It had a lot going against it but still brought together a fantastic cast with Ben Affleck and Colin Farrell at a very popular time in their careers and Jennifer Garner while she was one of the biggest stars on TV. This movie even managed to spawn a spin-off film! Say what you want, but when I saw this movie in 7th grade, I thought Daredevil was one of the coolest superheroes I had ever seen, and even though years later I can see the movie more for what it is - it still holds a special place in my heart.