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about 2 years ago

The Bourne Ultimatum

a review by The Movie Mob

The Bourne Ultimatum provides an exciting conclusion to the original Bourne storyline, answering questions and leaving a trail of bodies in the process.

The Bourne Ultimatum picks up immediately where The Bourne Supremacy left off, once again raising the stakes and ratcheting up the action. This time Bourne’s memories are flooding back more and more, and he’s hellbent on bringing those responsible for Treadstone to justice. The story focuses much more on answering the questions of Bourne’s past and the CIA’s illegal activities. I enjoyed the reunion of Julia Stiles’ character with Matt Damon’s. It developed some care between them, providing a little hope and stability in a world filled with betrayal, greed, spycraft, and subterfuge. The Bourne Ultimatum is an explosive conclusion to the original Bourne trilogy and is incredibly satisfying. Still, compared to the first two, it is a little bogged down with all the questions it needs to answer the wrapping up the story. But that is a minor complaint when the movie is one of the best in the spy genre.