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about 2 years ago

Need for Speed

a review by The Movie Mob

Need for Speed isn’t mind-blowing or innovative, but with a stellar cast and great stunts, it’s still an entertaining and exciting movie!

Need for Speed is surprising! Let’s start with this crazy stacked cast, especially for a video game adaptation: Aaron Paul, Michael Keaton, Rami Malik, Dakota Johnson, and Imogen Poots. I was shocked rewatching this and seeing all those stars. The plot wasn’t anything new or mind-blowing, but it was an entertaining revenge street race film with some awesome stunts and solid effects. Incorporating the cop chases in the middle of the races was a nice way to tie the games into the film. Need for Speed was no Gone in 60 Seconds or The Fast and The Furious, but it is one of the more fun and well-done video game movies out there.