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about 2 years ago

Once In The Desert

a review by MovieGuys

Once in the Desert, like so many Russian war films, takes a down to earth glimpse at the awfulness of war.

This film does not glorify war, it does not glamorise it.Certainly, sacrifice is seen as heroic but in a very modest sense.

In terms of storytelling, this is a solid film but it does feel a little loose in the middle. That said, it bring the threads together, in a way that makes sense and is, in its own way, rather poignant and sad.

Special effects and cinematography are outstanding.The full horror and effects of explosions, are brutally articulated. Acting is low key and characters are very believable.

In summary, a war film with what is really an anti war message. One that hopes for an end to conflict and renewed peace. Its sad, poignant and should give anyone who glorifies war, pause for thought.