Words like "Literary work" and "Clive Cussler" really shouldn't be in the same sentence.
Hey...chill...I love Clive Cussler, I honestly do. In fact I'll put him in the same league as Elmore Leonard and Louis L'Amour and I will put them in the same league as Dumas and Doyle.
They all write pulp fiction, adventure, crime, mystery, horror, whatever, they all fall under the title "pulp" and I can admit that I eat them whole, without swallowing...
...and without the need to call them "Literary" in an effort to save face.
I have the academic degrees somewhere in a box, the intellectual prowess, and a library with enough classics and heady works of history and philosophy to be able to openly display writers like Chris Claremont, Marv Wolfman, and Timothy Zane to not have to call his work "Literature." I will however call it "Adventure" I will call it "Fun" and what should be most important to any writer or film maker..."Entertaining." It doesn't have to follow the book. Jackie Brown was a far cry from Rum punch and they were both a lot of fun to watch and read.
So Sahara isn't like the novel.
It is an Action-Adventure-Comedy. That means it is everything that pulp should be, it is everything that movies should be...
In fact it is the kind of film that the critics would have loved in the Golden Age of Hollywood.