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about 2 years ago


a review by The Movie Mob

Uncharted overdid the action, cheesy performances, and selfish betrayals while leaving the story behind.

Uncharted mixes National Treasure, Tomb Raider, and The Other Guys into a disappointing cocktail that leaves a bland taste. Several sequences and setpieces were lifted directly from the games, which is a fabulous treat for fans of the series, but that is about where the similarities end. Although a fantastic actor, Holland was a younger choice than many expected for the role, making Uncharted Nathan Drake's origin story. Unfortunately, this was less origin and more Mary Sue, as Drake already had all the knowledge and skills to navigate this outrageous movie. The CGI was obvious, and the stunts and action were so unbelievable for a character that started the movie as a bartender that it made it difficult to enjoy. All the characters were so unlikeable and duplicitous, with almost every interaction ending in another "surprising" betrayal. Mark Wahlberg's performance didn't fit in the movie either. He felt like he was just playing himself with goofy quips and fast-talking rather than trying to play a character in this universe. I was hoping for so much more, but this franchise-launching film was dead on arrival.