movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

Journey to the Center of the Earth

a review by GenerationofSwine

Its Jules Verne and I remember having some very positive experiences with him at a very young age. So it has that going for it even if its not really the Jules Verne story, at least not in anything but name and concept.

When I was little there was a made-for-TV movie that looked like it was intended to start a series that never happened and all the kids on the block ate it up.

Unfortunately the made-for-TV movie was better.

This version suffers from the same failure that Beowulf was just too much.

They toned it down a bit with the 3D, there were scenes that gave the viewer a break, albeit a short break.

The problem is that once the action hit, once the story started to move along the 3D was too much and too constant.

I remember vividly when they first arrived in Iceland....and that's about it.

Afterwards I just remember all the 3D being too much and too CGI and in the end, I forgot I was watching a movie. They bombarded the audience with too much and, yes, it looked cool, but does that even matter when, in the end, you are too distracted to remember you paid for a movie, and somewhere in there, there was a story with actors actually acting it out...but they were well hidden beneath the 3D effects and you really didn't get to see them.

Thank God movies learned how to tone it down and find a happy medium since.