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about 2 years ago

Psych: The Movie

a review by GenerationofSwine

OK, maybe this one would be better titled a "bias" review.

You see, the TV show had this thing where it made me laugh out loud at least once an episode. At LEAST. And honestly, there aren't that many shows that have really made me laugh out loud.

And then, well, James Roday and Dulé Hill are just brilliant together, hands down the best comedic duo I've seen in a VERY long time.

So...walking into this, well, I had high expectations and, I kind of already knew I was going to love it...

Except...Timothy Omundson, breaks the heart about his stroke and he was missed, a lot, because, yeah, he was hysterical too.

And, as in the the TV show, the only week part is really Maggie Lawson and that's not her fault, she just...the straight one. She does a good job, but with Roday and Hill sharing scenes with her, it's hard for her to get out of those shadows.

Still, "Shawn stop talking," she has her moments.

And the same pretty much stands for this movie as well. Everyone is hysterical, Roday and Hill play off one another to great effect, and poor Lawson is stuck playing it straight while Corbin, Fuller, and the rest get to ham it up until, well, until you're laughing.

Really, they came back without missing a beat. It was like they were all made for their roles.

AND...did I mention it was funny, like really funny? Isn't that the most important part? I laughed out loud again. It was hysterical, just like the show and...just reminded me how much I missed it.

So funny that there were scenes you just had to rewind a few times.

Just so funny and, with shows like this, that is all that matters.

It was really like seeing old friends again.