movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

The Slumber Party Massacre

a review by GenerationofSwine

Which one was this? I can't really remember. I do, however, know it was the movie where they hire a lot of women and require them all to take their clothes off.

The difference is, this one was written by a feminist for reasons probably only she can explain.

I recall a shower scene in there somewhere.

And then I remember the women running around screaming in undies that are really only worn in the bedroom.

Was there a plot? Not really, it was just an excuse for nudity and undies.

But, you already knew all of that when you sat down to watch this. Because, honestly in film making, they aren't really trying to pass it off as anything other than an excuse to film young naked breasts and you don't really get anything but that.

So, why are you reading this? You know exactly what this movie is about. You knew that before you even clicked on this review.

But, at least the review is as honest as the movie.

If you are expecting more than that, there is something seriously wrong with you.