movie backdrop

about 2 years ago


a review by GenerationofSwine

heart warming and satisfying. The kind of movie that promises you from the onset that the guy is going to get the girl and everyone is going to live happily ever after.

You have that promise walking in to giving the film a negative review because it makes good on the promise is sort of....jaded. The movie makes promises that it keeps, and the promises fits within the genre....

...but there are parts of it that are so far out of the genre that it really catches you by surprise, and that is the brilliance of the film. You know exactly what the movie is going to give you walking in...and then it throws a curve here and there that makes it stand out completely from all the other films in the genre...

And I don't want to have to throw up the spoiler shade on this, so you take my word for it...when you think you know what's about to do, it's exactly that kind of movie, but there's enough of a twist to it to catch you off guard.

And those little things, the humor, all makes Pottersville stand out above the rest of the feel good Christmas movies. It's heartwarming and delightfully different, even if it does fit nicely into a mold.