Well, there was one too many twists here and I only say that because it was unnecessary. The plot would have been cleaner if they just let that one go...and don't worry, you'll know what is being mentioned when you watch it.
It would have worked in a novel, but in a screen play it just made it a bit messy and loose. And, unfortunately, that is what the critics are going to focus on. But then, J.K. is a novelist and it got a bit lost in translation from one writing style to another.
But, beyond that you have a wonderful cast and the film as a whole is delightfully fun.
Eddie Redmayne is once more the lead, and he does a decent job...but what is better is how generous both Johnny Depp and Jude Law were in the film. Each have, in their day, stolen a show or two. They are both fully capable of stealing the spotlight...but instead they took a step back rather than hogging any of the limelight and, as a result, it allowed for everyone involved to deliver a solid performance.
It could have easily gone the way of a Russel Crowe film with Law and Depp involved...however they didn't do the Crowe-hog and because of that the film ended up with more balance than it should have with the unnecessary plot turn.
In other-words, they helped bring it back from being truly over blown.
So what do you get? You get to walk into the weird world of Harry Potter again, and that is always fun. You get adventure and mystery and, again, that is always fun. You get decent performances and a solid (if bloated plot) and you walk away entertained.
It's worth viewing even if it is unbalanced. It's still entertaining and fun and, after all, that is the point of making a movie.