movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

Pretty Woman

a review by GenerationofSwine

There is a LOT of hate here because it doesn't portray prostitution realistically. And there is a LOT of hate here because it is demeaning to women and politics and politics and politics and...snore.

It's a movie!!!!! It's job is NOT to depict reality, it's job is to entertain!!! In many cases movies are supposed to depict the opposite of reality so you can escape it!!!!

Hate it if you want, the fact is, the film is fun and entertaining.

If you want a gritty drama about prostitution, there are movies out there about that too. Watch Taxi Driver.

I didn't want to see a gritty drama about prostitution when I sat down to watch Pretty Woman...I wanted to see a fun movie that would entertain me. Nor did I expect to see a gritty drama when I sat down to watch this.

In fact, I kind of feel the people that are complaining about the unrealistic depiction of prostitution had an insanely unrealistic expectation of the movie. You can't really make a gritty drama that accurate depicts prostitution...and still have a romantic comedy can you? They aren't compatible are they? Why are people complaining about that? It's like they wanted a completely different movie.

it advertises itself as a romantic comedy, it delivers as a romantic comedy...why did people want it to be something it never even tried to pretend it was?

I don't get it, the film was entertaining, watch it for what it advertises itself to be.