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about 2 years ago

Alien: Covenant

a review by GenerationofSwine

Well, it's slightly better than Prometheus, that's something. It's a little bit closer to the monster movie that was Alien...but closer does not mean that it comes anywhere near being as epic as it's 1979 mother...queen...whatever.

It's still putting on airs. It's still living under the delusion that it's something closer to "Chinatown" than, well, a monster movie in space.

I don't want to see an Alien movie that thinks its "Raging Bull." It doesn't really work that way. I want to see and Alien movie that knows its an Alien movie.

Simplify Man!!!!!!! You're a monster movie in space...most of the time...and a space marine movie the rest of the time. Either way you have no reason to throw so much crap against the wall. You don't need it all to stick!!!!!

You're an Alien movie, you don't need to be deep, you just need to be scary. that's all you need to do. And, maybe have Ripley, because she rocked.

But, honestly, the Alien movies are monster movies.

These films have forgotten that.