movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

Fifty Shades Darker

a review by GenerationofSwine

Ok, my fiance loves these films (but she's worse than me when it comes to sex in movies, and I'll sit through some serious crap for it) so we went to go see it on Valentines Day.

And I am going to point out the problem, and I will do it by quoting the synopsis:

"Anastasia must confront the anger and envy of the women who came before her."

Yeah, that takes all of about 5 minutes of time in the film. It's the plot of the movie...and it takes about 5 minutes total. The problem is solved really quickly, in the middle of the film, and never comes up again.

It's like an after thought....but it's the plot.

I've seen movies based on T and A in the past that have actually more plot focus than this.

But let's be honest, you are only watching it for the BDSM (which it is also light on) so I can't even give it 10 stars for that, and I am an easy grader when it comes to most movie reviews.