movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

Fifty Shades of Grey

a review by GenerationofSwine

My fiance is a big fan of the movies...and I only mention that because she is worse than me when it comes to sniffing out mainstream erotica. So, you know, totally hit her radar.

On my end, I brought the book at LAX one night to read on a layover, and I stopped when Grey picked up his phone to call for a helicopter and started using trucker jargon. "Breaker, breaker, two-nine..." NO! Not reading any more!

I honestly didn't even want to watch the movie after encountering that.

However, let's be honest, you aren't sitting down to watch the film because of dialogue or plot.

You're watching it because of sex. And, out of all the movies, this one actually delivers the most on it. AND, unlike all the sequels, it doesn't claim to be about anything else. It advertises itself as a movie about kinky sex and it delivers as being a movie about kinky sex.

So ten stars. It is exactly what it claims to be and delivers on that.