movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

A Wrinkle in Time

a review by GenerationofSwine

Wow, this was out of all of a second wasn't it?

So, I am going to more or less focus first on the fact that this has NOTHING to do with the book. Why even carry the same title if you are going to diverge so much from the source that it is unrecognizable for the fans of the source?

But that IS the new trend isn't it? That is the new Hollywood formula.

  1. Take an established book or franchise 2) Remake it to not at all resemble the source material 3) Have it flop 4) Blame the fans of the source material for the bad reviews 5) Tell the fans of the source material that it wasn't made for them, but rather for the people that were never fans of it and don't want to see it. 6) Wonder why it failed.

But that is not really the ONLY reason. I mean I grew up in the 80s, I saw made for TV movies, geared at children, that looked better than this.

Seriously, it looked like an NBC Saturday Morning cartoon made for kids under 10 in the 90s on a shoestring budget.

When you cast so many big names that you have no budget left to make the's going to look horrible.