movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

What Men Want

a review by GenerationofSwine

Well, it has less that 5 Stars and I think that is a very good thing. Less than a year ago giving a movie like "What Men Want" anything less than a perfect score would have created a Ghostbusters style backlash to anyone that even remotely suggested it might not be better than The Godfather.

And then Oceans 8 flopped...and got mainly positive reviews based principally out of fear...and had a cast that mostly seemed disinterested in attacking absolutely everyone that didn't buy a ticket.

Now it seems that that critics are OK with giving it a low rating, so long as they still only praise it in the prose review...just in case.

So, think of it like the Gibson version of "What Women Want" and then make it raunchy and vulgar to the point of repulsion with views of the opposite sex that would get a lot of men arrested.

And then think if it as slightly androphobic...and slightly as in the androphobia is racially based which makes it clear that the message of this film is to virtue signal how woke the they are by making it clear that a certain skin color and gender are evil.

In other-words, it's kind of like the original "Birth of a Nation" with it's propagandist depiction of race...meets a romantic Comedy written and directed by Andrew Dice Clay.