movie backdrop

about 2 years ago


a review by GenerationofSwine

Well, it's not at all hard to make Dick Cheney look like an evil man. Unfortunately this film goes a bit beyond that and comes across as completely and totally bias About ten minutes into the film, it doesn't seem like you are watching something as fair and critical as Stone's W, or even as critical as Liman's Fair Game.

Instead what you get is a film that, well, that feels like a hit piece from start to finish and it comes as a shock when the film ends and the director didn't take the opportunity to blame him for the Reichstag fire.

And, mind you, this is Dick Cheney we are talking about, a man that you can make out to be a monster without turning a film about him into a hit piece. So, when you get the sense that it's taking things a bit's REALLY taking things a bit far.

The plus side is that Bale does deliver and do a really great Cheney, despite the fact he's in a Leni Riefenstahl film. Sam Rockwell, however, plays an absolutely horrible W, to the point where it makes you wish they had cast Will Ferrell.

But, in the end, you have a hit piece that makes little attempt to disguise itself as a hit piece, while covering a man that could easily look like an absolute monster without the over-exaggerations.