movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

Death Kiss

a review by GenerationofSwine

OK, it's not good but it's entertaining. Robert Bronzi, of course, has one of those faces that you have seen before...he looks like Charles Bronson. But Eva Hamilton has one of those faces that you THOUGHT you've seen before, and after investigating her on IMDB it turns out you haven't...

...And that is a shame. She does a good job of seeming legitimately interested in Bronzi's character and that is exceptional given that he acts a bit like a wooden plank, and if she can actually turn a good show while she's up against that, well, she deserves to be in a lot more than she is.

And she does it with absolutely HORRIBLE dialogue. So, as far as I am concerned, she is the world's greatest actress.

The deck was absolutely stacked against her in every possible way from co-stars, to script, to direction, to production value and she still ended up doing a good job.

Kudos Eva Hamilton for bringing your A-game to this. It's one thing to walk out of a Martin Scorsese flick looking like a pro, but if you can do it in a Rene Perez movie, well, you've got pro-talent.

The same can be said with the far more established Daniel Baldwin. He's been in far more, and comes into this crap-fest smelling like roses. He does a great Sean Hannity inspired talk show host and manages to make a few good points along the way. In particular yes, no one is uneasy around Latinos that do NOT look like gangbangers, but when they are dressed as gang bangers, with the tattoos and the hoodies... it's NOT racism that is making you uneasy.

And Richard Tyson, he has a small role, but still manages to actually do something with it, which is a HUGE leap for him considering his earlier work. I've seem some horrible movies with him, but he manages to salvage a bit of this one in a way that is NOT entirely like him.

I honestly think he's a parody character, but he delivers it well and does manage to make a point or two along the way.

Robert Bronzi however, doesn't seem to know how to hold a gun, especially with the calibur that he's presumably firing. However, the over-the-top blood kind of makes up for all the problems with his acting.

Anyway, what you have here is a Ron Perez movie that was saved from absolute trash by two decent actors. Without Baldwin, Tyson, and Hamilton it would have been as horrible as "From Hell to the Wild West."