I actually thought that Ben Affleck did a decent job in the role. He did that Michael Keaton thing where he understood the link between Batman and Bruce Wayne and was able to pull off a good Bruce, and that is really where Batman is, figuring out which one is the mask and playing both accordingly.
However, it starts... abruptly. It starts with the assumption that you have seen the Superman movies, and for viewers that hadn't it comes across as more than a little jarring. You were expected to understand what was happening from the start and, unfortunately, that's not the best way to start a film that doesn't have the number "2" after it.
It doesn't have that slow build that explains the story, it just kind of starts and moves along as if the audience is already sucked in... and this with a new star as Batman, and a new universe to host him in.
Had it taken the time to let you get to know the characters first, it would have made for a more compelling and interesting film. Instead it moved along as if no introductions were necessary for either the characters or the world they inhabited and that made a lot of people lose interest fast.