movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

The Hustle

a review by GenerationofSwine

It's pretty much a re-make of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" which was itself a remake, only this one isn't as good.

It's actually just "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" that has been gender swapped and, like all of the gender swapped remakes of late, the humor, the plot, the entire story is wrapped around the fact that the gender has been swapped, and done so without an actual story or humor.

It's basically a remake with women and the draw is intended to be that it has women in it this time rather than men... and that doesn't work without a story or actual jokes with punchlines and timing, jokes that divert expectations... not jokes that are revolved around a swap in characters and nothing more.

Save your time, it's just like Ghostbusters, What Men Want, Oceans 8 and all the other movies that have done the exact same thing and failed because they lacked an actual story and humor