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about 2 years ago

Michael Moore in TrumpLand

a review by GenerationofSwine

The key word in the summary is certainly "Heartland."

Once upon a time Michael Moore was the champion of the working class in Middle America. He highlighted their medical needs with "Sicko," he fought for their jobs and livelihoods with "Capitalism: A Love Story."

Not that many people liked this one, and even fewer in the heartland... and that's because he kind of stopped being a champion for blue collar, working class America. He kind of stopped listening to what they had to say. He kind of stopped caring about what they need in their struggles against poverty.

Moore took the stage in this one, and he didn't really sound like Michael Moore. He didn't really sound like the man that spoke to the working class anymore. He sounded a lot like one of those people from the coasts that speak at them and not too them.