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about 2 years ago

Star Trek Beyond

a review by GenerationofSwine

Well, I finally saw it and I can honestly say that I was far less offended by it than I was by the hack job reboot of Kahn. And I only cared slightly less about the film than I did the original JJ reboot.

It was a popcorn sci-fi action flick, and I liked Urban and Pine but thought that Quinto should have brought more of himself to the film rather than attempting to channel Nimoy. It was a fair enough impression, but it didn't fit with the rest of the reboot that seemed to care nothing about Star Trek.

Ultimately when Quinto channels Nimoy like that it just gives the viewer the jarring sensation that one member of the cast cared about what came before and forces the viewer to remember that this actually is a Star Trek film.

And that doesn't work in a rebooted franchise that relies on nostalgia, in place of a story, and then kind of mocks the nostalgia.

That is ultimately the problem, Star Trek was a science-Fiction space adventure that was both cheesy and offered veiled social commentary about an idealistic world governed by a strict meritocracy with a strong morality and how that idealism clashes with other species and ideals by both forging alliances and making enemies.

This had nothing to do with that. It is basically an action movie with science-fiction elements and occasional nods to the cheesy fun that Star Trek once was. At it's core it didn't have the heart that lends itself to an engaging plot and character arcs.

And, given that it came after a betrayal, that is after they rebooted one of the franchise's best films and took away most everything that made it so great and fun... I didn't care enough to actually see it until it came on television.

The real issue the reboot thing, for some reason they always take out plot and character development and fill that void with action and it makes the film feel visually appealing yet hallow.