about 2 years ago

The Hitchhikers

a review by GenerationofSwine

Most of the time I give a film 10 stars if it entertains and 1 if it stinks in kind of a thumbs up or thumbs down vote... because picking the numbers in between seem a little too artificial for someone like me has no problem pointing out trash, liking trash, or criticizing a flawed movie that I ultimately still enjoyed.

However, with movies like this, unless they are absolutely horrible, I feel the need to give them 10 stars on principal because you always get exactly what they advertise that you're going to get.

In this case you get boobs, nudity, and hippies. The film bills itself about being about boobs and hippies. The plot makes it clear that you aren't going to get anything deeper than boobs and hippies.

If you sat down to watch this movie and expected anything other than boobs and hippies than either you were grossly misinformed or you were attempting to delude yourself because you felt guilty about watching a movie that is about nothing more than boobs and hippies.

However, there is a pretty funny line here and there that will make you laugh out loud and the soundtrack is actually exceptionally good... and those are two things that you don't really expect in a movie that is about really nothing more than boobs and hippies.

Some of the actors actually have pretty decent comedic timing and a few of them actually know how to deliver a believable line... which is, again, kind of shocking in a movie that is only about boobs and hippies.

And what makes it better is that, yeah, this was a drive-in sleaze movie in the era where these kind of movies played regularly at such fine institutions of American culture. There is something absolutely HYSTERICAL about putting an enormous film about boobs and hippies up on the big screen, where anyone driving by can get an eye full. I kind of miss that America, you know, the one without Puritanical Prudishness. The America where you might be driving down the road at night, and look off to the drive-in just to get an eye full of eight-foot tall boobs bouncing on an IMAX size screen somewhere in Middle America.

So, if you want boobs and hippies and 1970s drive-in sleaze this is one of the better ones you can watch.