movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

The Fisher King

a review by GenerationofSwine

My dad and I had this thing we did where we went to see a movie or rented a movie from the time before I could remember to, well, almost until the day he passed away. There was always time to catch a movie, an it's a bit easier because it isn't as weather dependent as playing catch is.

My dad took me to see this when I was a kid, and I absolutely hated it, I thought it was a horrible movie.

And then, I watched it again when I was in high school and I absolutely loved it. Thought it was an amazing film.

And then I showed it to my wife, who pointed out that I was only 11 when dad took me to see it.

And now I can see how my attitude about this totally changed.

It is really the story about the Fisher King isn't it? At least it's a grail quest to restore the health to someone who kind of acts like a charitable king with the worst Percival character known to mankind.

And, I don't mean to cast shade on Jeff Bridges by that. He played a great role, the... well... I can't think of a polite word for his character. But we all know people a little like him don't we? He's a bit stereotyped of that friend that you also kind of hate, but he pulls it off absolutely brilliantly.

He's just, you know, not the pure Godly Percival that we know from the legends.

But then again, Williams isn't exactly the same dignified wounded king is he? He kind of comes across as a bit of a Leprechaun in this, and he is the most redeemed of any character in Arthurian Legends. He kind of out Percivals Percival in this...

.... but who cares? It's Terry Gilliam redoing the Fisher King, once more tackling a Grail Quest and it is all brought to you in a way that only Terry Gilliam can bring it to you...

... OK, yeah, it's Gilliam, so it could be a bit of a bias review.

At any rate, so long as you're not watching this in the theater with your dad when you are 11 you're going to enjoy the heck out of this film. And even if your dad does make you watch it when you are 11, give it a few years, watch it again, and I promise the second time around you will enjoy the heck out of it.