movie backdrop

about 2 years ago


a review by GenerationofSwine

I think the last film of Lee's watched and enjoyed was his Malcolm X biopic... but to be honest I don't think I really enjoyed the film so much as I did Denzel's performance. I mean, isn't it nice to see Denzel Washington playing something other than the smart law enforcement officer and actually bring his all to a film?

I guess I should be fair and say that it's not as horribly bad as Son of Sam was... but it's bad in a way that Nicholas Cage is had to watch in all of his movies... almost all of his movies. He actually has a few good ones.

I guess Lee's approach to this was to tell all of his actors to over-act as much as humanely possible for even the smallest roles. There is not a line that isn't over done, not a part that isn't over-acted. There is nothing naturalistic about this and it makes it so very hard to watch.

The result is a serious subject that could have been a compelling biopic, that was turned into a cartoonish mess.