movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

Blast from the Past

a review by GenerationofSwine

This was made in 99. Imagine what would happen if it was made today, in 2020, where people would shriek at them and the media would dig into their past to find anything they could smear them with while claiming that they are evil incarnate just because they are Boomers and the Greatest Generation...

... that would be a seriously depressing film.

Instead it was made in 99 when they could make fun of BOTH the current culture and the past culture in a juxtaposition that is both hysterical and heart warming while making an interesting culture point that is under-played because the point of this is a comedy and the moral message takes a back seat to entertainment because, it was 99, when movies were made to entertain first and foremost.

Yeah, you couldn't see this made today because Hollywood would feel compelled to make a point to paint every in the fallout shelter as evil. But, in 99, it was hysterical escapism.