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about 2 years ago

Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain

a review by GenerationofSwine

Breasts. This movie is about breasts. It's also about gore.

You should know that walking in based on the amount of adult starts in it, but it looks like a lot of people didn't.

It looks like a lot of people walked into this thinking it was going to have a plot.

That is wrong, it does NOT have a plot. But, it never really billed itself as having a plot. It has a loose enough plot to deliver breasts and gore, and that is really all that this promised to deliver.

If you watched it for any other reason than breasts and gore... you need to rethink what movies like this are about.

So, what you have is breasts and gore. The movie is about breasts and gore. All you can expect from this is breasts and gore.

If you like breasts, this is the movie for you. If you like gore, this is the movie for you.

If you are looking for a plot and an actual story... why on earth are you considering watching this movie? This will not be the movie for you. Stay away. This has no plot, this has no story, all this has is adult film actors, breasts, and gore. This is all.