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about 2 years ago

The Man with the Golden Gun

a review by GenerationofSwine

I write this with the understanding that I am not supposed to like it. It's one of the movies that, in serious Bond fandom, you aren't supposed to like.

And, that is because, yeah, the script sort of really sucks... and I'm not going to defend it. They could have done a far better job.

However, it's still a fun movie. It's Moore era silly Bond and one of the big reasons people don't like this is because the Moore Era silliness went a little bit too far didn't it? Think Pigeons.

But, I laughed. I laughed up until the end when it started trying to be an actual 007 movie again instead of a spoof of a 007 movie... and that's where it lost me.

It doesn't really deserve 10 stars, but I do 10 or 1 in a thumbs up watch it, or thumbs down don't watch it kind of vote with little in between. And it certainly doesn't deserve 1 star, because it is watchable and entertaining.

Just realize that the people that hate it in the 007 fandom have good reason to hate it... and the people that don't, well, it's still a fun and entertaining movie to watch and one that you probably shouldn't skip in the franchise.