movie backdrop

about 2 years ago


a review by GenerationofSwine

I don't mind Moore as Bond, he's certainly not my favorite, I'm not the biggest fan of the silliness, but he has some 007 films that would make my top 10 list and...

... this is NOT one of them.

In the only thing I want to write in this review is "It is so unbelievably bad." And not like Moonraker way to over-the-top even for a 007 film bad, but just absolutely horrible bad.

And Moore was clearly a bit too old to play 007 at this point. So he kind of looked like Grandpa 007. And that doesn't work too well for stunts (ask Liam Neeson), it sort of makes it unbelievable.

And then there is the plot that was a little too.... done before to be really good. It took elements from several other 007 films, strung them all together, and hoped no one would notice.

And by Octopussy, the Moore era silliness was starting to wear thin, especially after films like The Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only, that underplayed that aspect enough to make truly great installments to the franchise.