movie backdrop

about 2 years ago


a review by GenerationofSwine

Well, it was nice to see Bond back on the screen, and just in time for me to get my Drivers License, so this isn't the 1st 007 film I ever saw on the big screen, but it's the first that I got to drive myself to.

And I remember that the media kept asking "who will be 007's villain now that the USSR has fallen?" By then I had seen all the Bond films to date, by then I was a 007 fanatic, and that is when I first realized that the media really has the memory of a Goldfish... a lesson that would serve me well later in life and still does to this day.

Anyway, it was pretty classy fun how you only got glimpses of Brosnan for the first few moments of the introduction... it WOULD have been better if, you know, the entire world didn't know he was 007 already, but I guess it was a happy surprise for the few people that were living under a rock for the year or so leading up to the film's release. The few people that missed all of the nonstop hype.

Tina Turner did one of the better 007 songs, Brosnan had a heck of a showing as 007... Onatop was probably the last of the 007 suggestive name tropes to make an appearance in film (unless you count Christmas who was only named so for a closing joke), and for the most part it was a great showing.

I mean, the tank chase alone should sell you on it. As should 006.

But, at the end, it was just a competent and decent showing that is beloved primarily because of relief. Relief that Brosnan was 007, relief that they were making 007 movies again, relief that some fun was brought back to the world.