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about 2 years ago

The World Is Not Enough

a review by GenerationofSwine

So Goldeneye wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either and it was a solid entry into the 007 franchise. Tomorrow Never Dies was fan-freaking-tastic....

... and then this.

Yay, it's 007.

What the heck happened? I'm thinking Goldeneye (N64) happened. I'm thinking that they made close to as much money off the FPS as they did off the film and wanted to emulate it by making a movie that would transfer well into that genre of video game, but didn't realize that Bond (N64) was only legendary because it was the first time that four of your friends could gather around a television and kill each other.

And then... the Bond Girl, as much as I love the final joke about her name, she did NOT come across as a believable nuclear scientist. John Cleese was fun, but a horrible replacement Q.

We started to see more Moore style silliness come back in a Brosnan Era Bond who was getting pretty close to Flemming and Connery and that just didn't work.

Moore style silliness with a Connery style plot.

It just didn't fit well together and, though it is not totally unwatchable, it's also not a good example of a Bond film