movie backdrop

about 2 years ago


a review by GenerationofSwine

Yeah, another Western, had to wait for the wife to not be home so I could dive into a genre she hates.

Anyway, it's odd how sex and nudity seem out of place in westerns given that in real life prostitution thrived. Historically a lot of what this film is about could be true. But... it doesn't feel like it should be in a Western. Racism and violence, yeah, those can make it in and feel right. Prostitution, certainly... but in a not seen sort of way.

But I don't know, it's a lot of John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart with Clint Eastwood bringing up the rear that sort of defines the genre for people my age.

That being said... it's dark.

But it's done right, and it's well acted, and it plays on the emotions something fierce, it's well acted, it's moody. In other words it's an insanely well done movie, despite that fact that it deals with subject matter that you don't expect coming into a western.

Insanely well done.