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about 2 years ago

Tales of an Ancient Empire

a review by GenerationofSwine

The problem here is the art... seriously... as in it takes itself seriously.

Sorbo and Pare seem to understand what the audience wanted from their performances, and they seemed to understand what sort of movie they were in.

The director, however, had an artistic vision for a sequel to a B grade Sword and Sorcery movie and that just doesn't worm. It takes itself far too seriously for what it is. And that takes away from the enjoyment of the film as a whole.

At the end of the day, some of the cast understood that they needed to approach the film slightly tongue-in-cheek, slightly self aware of that they were making, but the director didn't.

And the result was that everything that made the first film fun... not good, but FUN, was lost in an attempt to make the second film artistic and pretentious.