movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

King Kong

a review by GenerationofSwine

Usually I hate remakes... but I also used to not like DC. And then the heavily bashed New 52 came around, I was talking to a friend of mine, and the Flash in New 52 wasn't his Flash. He hated it out of principal.

I think that is what happened here, because the '33 film reached for the stars. The technology they had wasn't all there, and they did their absolute best with it to make the absolute best film they could. And it paid off, sometimes when you shoot for the moon you actually reach it.

This King Kong suffers from the 33 film. It's not a bad movie, but it's not really stretching it's neck out there and taking chances like the first one did. And... he's shooting at a distance with a fixed 50, that's one of those Hollywood photography things that irritates the heck out of me, but you can't see the auto advance attachment as well without a telephoto can you Hollywood?

You would think that people who work with cameras would take it more seriously in the movie.

Anyway, it's not a bad movie. The acting is fine, the plot is fine, the Fx are dated but era fine as well.... and it's entertaining....

... but it's grainy. Maybe it can be cleaned up in remastering, but they didn't use enough lighting and opted for film a little too fast for quality. And for someone like me, that's irritating as heck too.

Photography paid my way though grad school, of I can do better, they can do better.

It just isn't as monumental as the 33 film, and that it a high bar that makes it look bad in comparison.

But at the end of the day it's still fun and that's what matters.