Opinion on this film seems to have been hijacked somewhat by the definition and appropriateness of the relationship between Alexander (Farrell) and Hephaestion (Leto). It seems daft to try to apply 21st century social morals onto a society in which same sex relationships were simply unremarkable. Whether or not it was about sex, or love, or both isn't really that important - I think Oliver Stone was trying to involve us in a much more complex story of human nature. It may also be more of an Anglo-Saxon thing - men on Continental Europe from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean (and their N. American descendants) have a completely different, relaxed, view towards tactility amongst men. What this discussion does do successfully, however, is distract us from a pretty lacklustre effort at an epic. The film has grandeur and style but really does lack substance. It has all the grit of a beauty pageant. The script is wordy and weak, and characterisations way too shallow given we have effectively a blank canvas from which to work and an almost unlimited timeframe in which to tell the story. Inevitably, it does draw comparisons with Richard Burton and Frederic March's version from 1956 but not favourably; the all star cast here just doesn't really gel in the same way and the CGI isn't anywhere near as convincing as the real photography of the earlier iteration. Overall, a very well resourced missed opportunity to tell the tale of one of history's most enigmatic characters.