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about 2 years ago

All Quiet on the Western Front is a dark, gritty, and depressing look at what the effects of war and propaganda have on the soldiers who enlist.

Our main characters enter the front all bright eyed and bushy tailed excited to fight for Germany, mainly due to them being naive about what war is truly like. That optimism is soon destroyed in the first minutes of reaching the battlefields as they are hit with mortar strikes that kill countless numbers of their comrades. This is where we first get to see the incredible emotion portrayed in this film. The actors do so much with just their facial expressions to demonstrate their mental decay as the turmoil of war inflict their damage.

There is a constant theme of the destruction of peace throughout the entire film, whether be the peace of Germany as a whole due to the lackluster treaty they are forced to sign or the disturbance within the troop themselves. Every time our main characters have a sense of calm, like having a pleasant chat while on guard duty or stealing chickens from a local farmer, that calm is interrupted by more death and destruction. These lulls in action provide a sense of comfortability for the audience that gets ripped away in a second's notice. This juxtaposition occurs throughout the entire film, and I found in incredibly effective.

The tension of war is aided with a brilliant score. The subtle piano keys mixed with loud bass crashes create an uneasiness that spells impending doom for our main troop. It was quite excellent.

As previously stated, the performances here are downright incredible. Felix Kammerer was brilliant in his leading role. His evolution from an absolute wreck of soldier, crying and panicking on the battlefield to grizzled vet who is able to run headfirst into battle without a second notice was fantastic. But he still kept the sweet and genuine attitude throughout, having moments of clarity during the battle where he realizes the brutality of what he and his other soldiers are doing. These complex emotions are carried over to the majority of the cast and was one of my favorite parts about this film.

Overall, All Quiet on the Western Front was a major surprise for me. I am not super experienced nor am interested in many war films, but this may have changed my tune because I genuinely believe it is one of the best movies of the year.

Score: 94% Verdict: Excellent