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about 2 years ago

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is the Nicholas Cage show that I wanted but didn't fully know I needed.

This movie is fun, zany, witty, and just pure entertainment. I had a smile on my face for the entire movie. It doesn't take itself or the persona of Nicholas Cage very seriously. Often times poking fun at the career of Cage and the multitude of movies he has been, while simultaneously painting him as an absent and poor father. This is no easy task for an actor to face, but he does it excellently and really embraces his faults.

The plot is no cinematic masterpiece but it doesn't have to be. The best points in the is movie is the chemistry between Nick Cage and Pedro Pascal. They were beautifully synergized on screen and carried this movie to conclusion. It was so much fun seeing them develop a bromance that often times I found myself forgetting he was even suppose to be a villain.

It is not often you find a movie that is so self aware of what it is trying to be, but this movie tackles that so effectively creating a fun experience that any audience can enjoy.

Score: 78% Verdict: Great