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about 2 years ago

The Wonder

a review by Nathan

The Wonder is a slow burn that fails to leave a lasting impression that most films of its type achieve.

At the forefront is the battle between science vs religion. Many citizens in the town are extremely religious and desperately want this child to be a sign from God and a gift to the town. This idea works well, and the denial of facts is quite reminiscent of today's society. But unfortunately, this film treats itself as some grand masterpiece when that isn't entirely true. It is filled with small plot holes and details that simply do not makes sense. I was bought in to a point, but the ending really falls of the rails for me and left me somewhat unsatisfied.

The performances are great, and really carry this movie. Florence Pugh is spectacular, and I will go to see any film she is in. Her portrayal of emotions is top notch and her on screen connection with Kila Lord Cassidy is well done. Speaking of Cassidy, I thought she was excellent in this film. She seemed extremely experienced and able to handle the nuances of a film of this caliber. I was shocked to see that this is really her first main role in a filmography that is somewhat empty to this point. The rest of the cast did fine.

Overall, this movie worked better as concept than what was executed. The performances were great and kept me in the film, but that should not be the only thing capturing me. It is a decent watch and one of the better Netflix projects, but that is not saying much.

Score: 64% | Verdict Decent