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over 1 year ago

The Man from Toronto

a review by r96sk

There could be a decent concept in there with The Man from... men, but in reality... 'The Man from Toronto' is poor.

I like both Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson, and they do make it more watchable than it would otherwise be, but even those two couldn't stop this from being an unfortunately dull watch for me. Nothing about this feels fresh, it came out in 2022 but could've easily come out in 2012.

Hart's performance seems like something we've seen before, with it feeling - at least on the surface - the same as his roles in 'Central Intelligence' with Dwayne Johnson and in 'Ride Along' with Ice Cube. The plots are different, of course, but the vibe is pretty much the same. Hart should stick with films like 'The Upside' and 'Fatherhood', in my opinion.

It's very forgettable. in short. It's not helped by an overlong run time, either.