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about 2 years ago

Pacific Rim

a review by The Movie Mob

Pacific Rim is outrageous and cliche but loads of fun if you embrace it for what it is: insane robot/monster action.

Pacific Rim is a ridiculous action monster movie that is a lot of fun if you have the right expectations. It’s a film about giant rock em sock em robots fighting giant Godzilla-like monsters, filled with shallow characters, goofy dialogue, great thrills, and exciting action sequences. Charlie Day’s wacky scientist was exceedingly annoying, but then you also have Idris Elba’s inspiring gritty performance of Stacker Pentecost in the same film. Those two performances perfectly define the movie as one of extremes. Extreme robot monster action. Extreme goofiness. All mixed in together for a unique movie worth a watch but not the movie hall of fame.