Danny Kaye is much the more natural here as he ("Phil") and successful partner "Bob" (Bing Crosby) hook up with the aspiring sister-act team of "Betty" (Rosemary Clooney) and "Judy" (Vera-Ellen). The latter pair have a gig at a remote Vermont inn, and so after some shenanigans on a train they all arrive to discover it is run by the gents' former wartime CO "Gen. Waverly" (Dean Jagger). Determined to come to the aid of this decent and proud man, they concoct a scheme to quite literally rally the troops! The gist of the plot is one of loyalty and integrity, but there is plenty of daft comedy interspersed to keep the whole thing from becoming too earnest or sentimental. The dance numbers are expertly choreographed and the musical numbers from Irving Berlin including the belters "Sisters" (with a little help from Gloria Wood) and "Blue Skies" keep the toes tapping too... It's a cheery, gentle romantic comedy that puts a smile on your face and reinforces any faith in the human spirit that might need topping up. I always found Crosby a little too slick on screen, but Kaye and Clooney are great and though perhaps just a shade too long, it's still an enjoyable seasonal romp, well worth a watch with some mulled wine and the odd chocolate Santa.