This is a very good movie and can be a difficult one to watch if you know the history as I did, I of course knew where it was going front the beginning and where it would end up. The writing was strong and the acting superb much of the time. I highly recommend it for anyone young or old who is unfamiliar with he story.
Despite the rawness of Danielle Deadwiler’s performance and the clean way the tragedy unfolded, on some weird level I wasn’t as affected emotionally as I would have expected to be. I don’t even know why. A few intangible reasons perhaps? Such as not feeling a lot of chemistry between the main characters. Like I say, I am not even sure myself. It is an excellent movie, but not one that will stick with me as a powerful slice of history like this should, or make me likely to feel I have to watch it again. But yes, do see it once at least.