movie backdrop

about 2 years ago

Heaven with a Gun

a review by Wuchak

Life in the Wild West between Christianity, saloon-life and gun-violence

A seasoned gunslinger comes to a town in the Southwest (Glenn Ford) where he finds himself aiding sheepherders against proud cattlemen (John Anderson, David Carradine, Noah Beery Jr., etc.). Yet his real intention is to start a church (!). Carolyn Jones is on hand as a saloon operator.

"Heaven with a Gun” (1969) was originally announced in the mid-50s as a vehicle starring Gregory Peck. A dozen years later it was finally shot with Ford as the lead and the addition of some fashionable elements inspired by the late 60s, like Barbara Hershey as the hippie-like half-breed, including a scene where she sits naked outside the preacher’s house amazed by the starry panorama.

The obvious comparison would be “Pale Rider” (1985), but Ford’s pastor is thoroughly mundane compared to Eastwood’s ‘preacher,’ lacking the vague supernatural angle of that later flick.

The script commendably shows a real West of working cattlemen and respectfully fleshes them out in the second half, but the sympathetic commentaries regarding the mogul’s son (Carradine) by his father (Anderson) and the ramrod (Beery Jr.) are wasted since it had been established by that point that Coke is a detestable piece of you-know-what. Then again, what happens to him is fitting.

Angelique Pettyjohn is a highlight on the feminine front as prostitute Emily; she was 25 during shooting and never looked better. You might remember her from her most popular role as Shahna in the Star Trek episode "The Gamesters of Triskelion" where she wore a futuristic tinfoil bikini. Here she has a surprising nude scene that’s more artful than offensive (but be warned if nudity offends you).

The biggest problem with the film is the shallow tip of the hat to pacifism under the guise of being biblical when it’s actually hypocritical. To explain, the protagonist gives up his firearms at the end to nobly confront the situation in a nonviolent manner, but the situation is resolved by another man with a gun. I suppose such doublespeak could be defended on the grounds that the wise MIDDLE GROUND between absolute pacifism and rash violence is the way to go. In other words, speak softly and strive for peace, but carry a big stick for when you might need it.

As for absolute pacifism being biblical, it’s not; LIMITED pacifism is. Sure, the Lord told Peter in Gethsemane “Those who live by the sword will perish by the sword,” but his initial instruction was for Peter to “put the sword back in its place,” NOT throw it away (Matthew 26:52). There’s a difference between living by the sword and utilizing it when necessary, which explains why some of the disciples carried swords during their ministerial travels in the first place (fully known by Christ).

A good example of limited pacifism is when the returning Hebrews restored the walls of Jerusalem, they posted armed guards for protection from deadly enemies (Nehemiah 4:7-9). Simply put, in a wicked world arms are sometimes necessary, such as any potentially life-threatening situation.

There’s enough good in “Heaven with a Gun” to make it worth checking out, but the storytelling is a little tedious even though spliced with interesting bits. It needed a rewrite to flush out its potential.

The film runs 1 hour, 41 minutes, and was mostly shot in Arizona, including Old Tucson.